Pedro’s modern iteration of the loafer gets an update in a black pebbled leather! This shoe takes on tradition with a hefty lug sole that is deceptively light; It's made from extra lightweight compounds using patented tech that results in wonderfully cushioned, shock absorbing steps. Wear these shoes paired with your favorite trousers and a button up for a day at the office!
Please note, that Pedro Garcia is a European designer. We have everything on our website sized in US. Please see sizing below:
US 6 - EU 36
US 6.5 - EU 36.5
US 7 - EU 37
US 7.5 - EU 37.5
US 8 - EU 38
US 8.5 - EU 38.5
US 9 - EU 39
US 9.5 - EU 39.5
US 10 - EU 40
US 10.5 - EU 40.5
US 11 - EU 41
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