Aerosmith Ace Of Spades Oversized Long Sleeve Band Shirt by Daydreamer LA


$ 49.00

  • Product Description

The Bad Boys from Boston were the epitome of a hard rock band. Classic album after classic album and controversial wild antics rocketed them to the best-selling American rock band of all time, selling more than 70 million albums in the US. Tyler and Perry were no joke - soaring the group to 25 gold, 18 platinum and 12 multi-platinum albums. No question, Aerosmith holds the most awards by any American group, not evening mentioning their Grammy glory. Continuing to make iconic headlines, Aerosmith lands on this Ace of Spades Oversized Long sleeve featuring the group’s logo in an ace of spades playing card graphic and left sleeve hit.

Available in sizes S, M and L.

Made from 100% cotton, with a perfect hand feel and worn in look.

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